“I believe we all deserve to live well and work in an environment that is uplifting and doesn’t drain us - I am committed to helping Canadians do so every day.” - Elena Iacono

Hello, 2021 - now let's make it good

Hello, 2021 - now let's make it good

Don’t discount our powers; We have made a pass at the infinite.
— Robert Frost

Happy 2021. I want to thank you again for your generous Food Banks Canada donation in 2020. With your help, we raised $50,000 in just three months, totalling over 210,000 net new meals for Canadians in need.


I reflected on your generosity over the holidays and I was reminded of just how much our collaboration can change the course for so many, including ourselves. And after speaking with a few of you, I’m so pleased to invite you to join me as I bring you, Well, Together - a new community where we’ll look at ideas and concepts (grounded in scientific research and thought leadership) to stay well.

The idea is simple:

  • I’ll share information with you

  • You consider applying it to your day

  • We’ll stay healthy and connected as we explore the new year ahead

What lies in front of us continues to be unknown, but I do believe we have what it takes to thrive and I want to keep the learnings going so that we can together make lasting, positive changes in our homes, our workplaces, and our communities. The environment we nurture underpins everything… and together, we’ll look at constructive ways to keep strong.

So, are you in? First I’ll need you to confirm your email address in accordance with Canadian privacy rules.

Click here to sign up to receive a few words from me each month.

Feel free to also join me on LinkedIn and Instagram too.

Here’s to a healthy new year ahead - and as the first year of this decade prepared us well, we got this, ‘21.

Dedico questo post a te, CM, e ai nostri 6 principi per l'anno. And to WP, let’s go!

Strong at mind, through and through

Strong at mind, through and through

Nourishing Canadians in need thanks to you

Nourishing Canadians in need thanks to you