“I believe we all deserve to live well and work in an environment that is uplifting and doesn’t drain us - I am committed to helping Canadians do so every day.” - Elena Iacono

Failing grades: Canada’s struggle with poverty and hunger

Failing grades: Canada’s struggle with poverty and hunger

“People in Canada are struggling. Really struggling.”
— Kirstin Beardsley, CEO, Food Banks Canada

Oh Canada, I truly thought we were doing better on the food security front, given our collective understanding of the issues too many Canadians face. I was devastated to learn that our country, the land that is supposed to be equitable, fair, healthy, and just, has received failing grades from Food Banks Canada. And with these grades, it’s clear—we’re failing people left and right. It doesn’t feel good at all.

Released earlier this summer, Food Banks Canada’s 2024 Poverty Report Cards paint a disheartening picture of a nation grappling with escalating poverty and food insecurity. From coast to coast to coast, Canada is on the edge of failure, as poverty rates have climbed substantially. The progress made over the past decade is now eroding quickly, and it feels as though the urgency is falling on deaf ears within the government.

A failing grade for Canada

The national findings are bleak:

  • Almost half of Canadians (44%) feel financially worse off compared to last year.

  • One in four Canadians are experiencing food insecurity, the highest rate in recorded history.

  • All jurisdictions, except Prince Edward Island, are failing in the affordable housing section of the report.

These alarming statistics have contributed to Food Banks Canada downgrading the federal government’s grade from a D in 2023 to a D- in 2024, putting the country on the edge of poverty failure.

Federal government must step up – and in big ways

How is it that we've let it come this far? It's heartbreaking. This version of Canada feels unrecognizable. And unacceptable.

According to Food Banks Canada’s Poverty Report Cards, which were first introduced in the fall of 2023, almost half of people nationally currently feel financially worse off compared to last year. Despite dramatic increases in financial struggles, poverty rates, and food insecurity, most governments are not responding with the urgency needed.

“Food Banks Canada’s 2024 Poverty Report Cards show that people in Canada are struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. Though deeply concerning, these results are sadly unsurprising to the thousands of food banks across the country who have seen a 50 percent increase in visits since 2021,” explains Food Banks Canada CEO Kirstin Beardsley.

 “All levels of government and all jurisdictions working together is the only effective way to decrease and reverse poverty and food insecurity. Food Banks Canada’s 2024 Poverty Report Cards clearly show that sustained, collective effort from all governments is our greatest hope for real and lasting change.”

Regional disparities and failures

The 2024 Poverty Report Cards show that the majority of Canadian governments received grades in the D range:

  • Eight out of ten provinces scored in the D range.

  • Seven out of ten provinces received grades of D- for their insufficient approach to poverty reduction.

  • No government received a final grade higher than a C+.

Only Nova Scotia (D- in 2024, F in 2023) and PEI (C- in 2024, D+ in 2023) improved on their 2023 grades due to an improved legislative focus on poverty reduction over the past year. While Quebec is trending slightly higher on its poverty reduction efforts (C+) compared to most regions, the province’s standing slipped from a B- in 2023 as policy actions taken in prior years have not kept pace with the rising cost of living. In the North, housing and living costs are deepening the struggles of communities and signal an urgent need for collective government action.

Urgent need for collective action

Governments must provide immediate financial relief for those facing severe food insecurity while also implementing long-term solutions like affordable housing, improved social assistance, and support for low-income workers.

The report cards underscore that a sustained, collective effort from all levels of government is our greatest hope for real and lasting change. Canada needs both long and short-term solutions to address poverty effectively. This means continuing long-term strategies like affordable housing construction while providing urgent financial relief for low-income individuals struggling right now.

A call to action

While it is clear that poverty conditions in Canada are trending in the wrong direction in 2024, there are several actions that governments can take this year to ensure that people and families within their provinces are better off before Food Banks Canada’s next report is issued. In the short term, governments must provide immediate financial relief to people experiencing unacceptable levels of food insecurity and struggling to put food on the table. In the long term, continuing to work on the construction of affordable housing, improving social assistance, and supporting low-income workers are needed, among other  solutions.

What Canadians can do

As Canadians, there are several ways we can contribute to alleviating poverty and food insecurity. Supporting local food banks through donations or volunteering can make a significant difference in the lives of those struggling. Advocating for policy changes by contacting local representatives and raising awareness about the issue within our communities can also drive collective action. Additionally, supporting businesses and initiatives that prioritize fair wages and working conditions helps create a more equitable society. By working together, we can help build a stronger, more resilient Canada.


Food Banks Canada’s 2024 Poverty Report Cards call for bold, collective government action. It sets out a measurable and realistic poverty reduction roadmap for all regions, providing detailed provincial, national, and territorial analysis and statistics. Interactive digital maps included in the full series of report cards hold governments accountable and demand immediate action.

How is it that we've let it come this far? It's heartbreaking. This version of Canada feels unrecognizable. And unacceptable. We can't keep sitting back and letting the government get away with empty promises and no action. The evidence is clear: without urgent and sustained collective action from all levels of government, the situation will only worsen. It's time for the government to listen and take the necessary steps to ensure that no Canadian has to face the harsh realities of poverty and food insecurity.

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