“I believe we all deserve to live well and work in an environment that is uplifting and doesn’t drain us - I am committed to helping Canadians do so every day.” - Elena Iacono

Every dish served

Every dish served

This is the first edition of One with the Blue – the aim is to share examples on how emotional well-being is supported in a region where people are living happy and healthy lives. 

It does not take long to understand the magic Alessandro Puddu cooks up daily. As one of Sardegna’s top chefs, Alessandro’s discipline allows him to create an incredible experience for all those who sample his cuisine.

Dish after dish, one is humbled not just by the flavours, but also the hard work that goes into bringing each dish to life. Half way through a meal service, Alessando makes it a point to discreetly check on his guests – a quick scan, a gentle wave and he slips back into the kitchen to keep the pace humming.


One night during my stay in beautiful Santa Maria Navaresse, I was invited to visit Alessandro’s kitchen. Every one was lock step – plates were prepared in perfect rhythm. I later asked Alessandro about the harmony in his workplace. He didn’t hesitate with his reply.

Creating an inspiring and positive environment, he felt, is his prime responsibility. The food business is a fast-paced industry and if there’s no heart in the work, there’s no soul in the food. It's Alessandro's job to bring it all together.

What he explained to me was interesting because there’s something to be said about passion and emotional well-being: when we love what we do, and feel comfortable while doing it, we’re unstoppable. A strong leader, like Alessandro, cultivates this mindset and I was curious as to why and how he does it.

“Those around me have a shared purpose – to create an incredible experience for our guests. I support my team with everything that I have. I made the choice a long time ago to stay hopeful – I think people are constantly searching for inspiration and if I give my best self to my team, they can be the best as a result. We fail as a team if I don’t allow for an environment where people feel good – proud of what they’re achieving. It’s incredible how far you can go working with a positive mindset – I look for the good and make sure people know the good they’re doing,” says Alessandro.

Chefs typically have a reputation of being stern and strict – no time for warm emotions. What makes Alessandro remarkable is his inviting and kind tone – it’s evident upon meeting him how thoughtful of a person he really is.

I took notice of how people light up when they pass him in the hall, or how at ease they are when offering a suggestion or two. I asked him why he thought this was.

Alessandro involves people in decisions, removes obstacles, takes the time to listen, lives by his word and builds people up. His small actions, over time, have accumulated into something grand for people: a healthy work environment where people are encouraged to thrive.

Our interactions do more than just drive business performance – they inspire hope that great things can and will be achieved.

“What keeps me going is knowing the moving influence I have on those around me. Inherently, I consider the emotional well-being of my team. Our business is succeeding because people are feeling great and doing their best work. And it brings me great pride to watch people excel,” shared Alessandro.

With every dish served, Alessandro reminds us of the role we play in helping others not just see the light, but feel it. We’re moving so fast, we may even forget that people  turn to us for cues on how to be. There’s a point in staying positive and Alessandro drove it home for me: it keeps us going and helps us look forward to a new day.

Delicious indeed.





Full speed ahead

Full speed ahead

One with the Blue

One with the Blue